BRS works together with U-CMECS

Region: Africa
Country: Togo
Partner: Louvain Coopération
Type: Microfinance
Duration: since 2004
Budget: 40,000 (2019-2021)

Website: - (no website)

UCMECS (Union des Caisses Mutuelles d’Épargne et de Crédit des Savanes) is a network of 8 Caisses (financial institutions), which was established in 2004. UCMECS operates in the dry savanna zone in the north of Togo. Here, more than 90% of the population lives below the poverty line. Survival agriculture is the main professional activity in this region.

What does BRS do?

Together with our partner Louvain Coopération, we have been providing financial support and advice to UCMECS since 2004. In this regard we have worked on a more efficient client reporting system, the development and launch of a number of new products such as savings accounts for young people and the optimisation of the credit process as a whole.