In Honduras, PILARH ODPF is a microfinancing institution that has been working for more than sixteen years to help entrepreneurial people make their business a success. BRS vzw has supported PILARH ODPF for years, helping it develop to become the robust organisation it is today (32,000 customers, 14,000 borrowers). A thousand small-scale entrepreneurs were able to launch their activities as a result of the one million dollar loan in Lempira approved by BRS Microfinance Coop in 2018. Half the loan was repaid in April 2020 and a decision was made at the end of 2020 to grant a new 500,000 dollar loan in Lempira for three years. At the request of PILARH ODPF, BRS also offers additional support through advice provided by Cera and BRS volunteers. The PILARH ODPF team was especially hard hit by COVID-19 with the death of their CFO Marley Erazo.