
Fundeser provides financial services to family farmers. Starting out from its strong social vision, this MFI has a significant impact on the lives of the 26,000 customers, of whom almost 48% are women. After an initial short-term loan of USD 2 million, BRS Microfinance Coop approved the same amount for three years in 2017. In 2018, successive disasters, including the country’s poor coffee harvest and social unrest, caused serious problems. As a social investor, BRS Microfinance Coop, together with the other investors, has approved a recovery plan. The repayment plan has been adjusted and extended to 2023 and part of the interest has been waived. This gave Fundeser financial breathing room to get back on its feet. Following the impact of COVID-19, a limited additional extension was also granted in 2020, but at the same time 35% of the original loan has now been repaid.